How to Enjoy the Holidays as a Hearing Aid User: 26 Essential Tips

cartoon hearing aid with festive background 

The holiday season is a time for joy, laughter, and connection. However, for hearing aid users, it can also bring unique challenges. From noisy gatherings to family events, navigating conversations and sounds can sometimes feel overwhelming. But with the right strategies and tools, you can enjoy every moment! Here’s a comprehensive guide with 26 essential tips to make your holiday season more enjoyable and inclusive.

Preparation Tips

  1. Prepare for Shows and Movies Heading to a theater or movie? Read the program or synopsis beforehand to help you follow the storyline more easily.
  2. Take Listening Breaks Big gatherings can be tiring. Plan for short breaks during events-a quick walk or quiet moment can recharge your energy and focus.
  3. Brush Up on Names and Updates Before family gatherings, refresh yourself on everyone’s names and recent updates. A quick social media check can provide helpful context for conversations.

Leverage Technology

  1. Use an External Microphone Invest in an external microphone to focus on specific voices in noisy environments.
  2. Activate a Noisy Program Ask your provider to activate and teach you to use a “noisy environment” program for your hearing aids.
  3. Borrow Assistive Listening Devices Many theaters and cinemas offer assistive listening devices. Don’t hesitate to ask for one!
  4. Keep Your Hearing Aids Maintained Ensure your hearing aids are cleaned and maintained before holiday events.
  5. Have a Backup Plan Carry spare batteries or an alternate hearing device in case your hearing aids stop working.
  6. Enable Captions When watching TV with family or friends, kindly ask the host to turn on captions to stay engaged.
  7. Download Live Captioning Apps Use a live captioning app for real-time text support during conversations.

Effective Communication

  1. Clarify by Repeating Back If unsure, repeat what you’ve heard to confirm: “Did you say 5:15 or 5:50?”
  2. Ask for the Topic If you lose track, ask what’s being discussed. A simple “What’s the topic?” can help.
  3. Spell It Out Use the spelling alphabet or clarify numbers that sound alike (e.g., saying your mean “15 one five” vs. “50 five zero”).

Choosing the Best Environment

  1. Sit Close to the Action Choose a seat within six feet of the person you want to talk to.
  2. Avoid Noise Sources Sit away from TVs, music speakers, or appliances when you want to focus on conversations.
  3. Choose Sound-Absorbing Rooms Opt for rooms with carpets, curtains, and cushioned furniture to reduce echo and improve hearing.
  4. Favor Your Better Ear Position your better ear toward the person speaking for clearer hearing.
  5. Find Good Lighting Sit in well-lit areas to see facial expressions and read lips more easily.

Team Up with a Hearing Buddy

  1. Identify Speakers Ask a trusted friend or family member to point out who’s speaking when conversations shift quickly.
  2. Track Topics Have your buddy help you keep track of conversation topics as they change.
  3. Identify Unusual Sounds Your buddy can help identify sounds so you can decide whether to attend or ignore them.
  4. Attention Alerts Ask your buddy to let you know if someone is trying to get your attention.
  5. Repeat Key Phrases Your buddy can repeat key phrases from conversations in real time for added clarity.

Make the Most of Visual Cues

  1. Share Photos Use visuals like photos while telling stories-it’s fun and makes the moment more inclusive.
  2. Clean Your Glasses Make sure your glasses are spotless to maximize visual cues during conversations.
  3. Opt for Video Calls Whenever possible, choose video calls instead of audio-only. Seeing faces adds an extra layer of communication.


The holiday season is meant to be a time of connection and joy. By preparing ahead, leveraging technology, and communicating effectively, hearing aid users can fully participate in the festive spirit. Try these tips to make your holidays more enjoyable and inclusive.

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